Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sick A Bed On Two Chairs

I’m not sure where that phrase comes from, but in our family it comes from Vere via Beaver Dam.  That and “How’d you hit ya, bite ya, scratch ya, pinch ya?” were the two things we heard as children whenever there was pain or sickness involved.  Well, I was “sick a bed on two chairs” this week and a miserable week it was—for me anyway.  It made me feel even worse that I was unable to help with all the work that needed to be done.  Wednesday I felt so rotten that death sounded good to me.  Thursday I woke up with a sore throat that hurt even without swallowing.  John looked in my throat, saw white spots, and diagnosed me with strep throat.  Elder Burton the mission doctor for the south sea islands (the Burtons were in our district at the MTC and are from Heber City, Utah), happened to be in Christchurch that day for a zone conference.  John told him about me and he said I should go ahead and take the antibiotic that I brought with me from home.  I started at once, but today (Monday) is my first day back at work.  I never would have believed I could look forward to putting on nylons and a skirt, but this morning it made me happy.


After five days in bed—that is one big fever blister.  How’d ya hit ya, bite ya, scratch ya, pinch ya?



That hairdo is truly a work of art and probably the most beautiful thing in New Zealand this week.

Thank you to my kids, grandkids, Uncle Ned, and Beverly for entertaining me on the phone and keeping me from giving up the ghost in this far-away land.  I also had a chance to read the January Ensign cover to cover.  I had a favorite article, the one by Elder Johnson. 

John not only took care of me, but he held down the fort at the institute (Brother Bell was on the North Island for the week), took care of Thursday night Institute and Sunday Night CES Fireside, and held inservice for the seminary teachers in the Christchurch area. 


Christchurch seminary inservice; Sister Clendon--Riccarton Ward, Brother Bourne-High Council Advisor, Sister Matthews—Cashmere Ward, and Sister Wood—Rangiora Branch.  John had a separate meeting with Sister Campbell of the Opawa Ward.


John set this table up for inservice all by himself.  We made the breads (zucchini and coconut) long before I got sick and froze them.  I especially like the napkins at either end—nice touch.

Lying in bed gave me plenty of time to think.  Maintaining happiness on a mission is something like walking on a tightrope carrying a long pole for balance.  One side of the pole gets weighed down and threatens to disturb my balance when things of the world become a large portion of my thoughts, but just as I start wobbling, the Lord adds something to the other end of my pole.  If I start having worries or concerns about my loved ones back home, He gives me faith promoting experiences that shore up my trust in God and His plan for each of us.  If I start feeling that I’m not qualified for all that I have been asked to do, He sends me loving people to teach me and assure me that I can.  When I am sick and missing the comforts of home, He sends Margaret Bourne to my door with a huge pot of healthy and delicious chicken soup.  I am blessed and I am grateful.

This week I have rediscovered many things about myself—mostly things I’m not proud of.  I’m definitely spoiled, whiny, and impatient (I’m sure all of these things come as a surprise to everyone back home).  John is just the opposite.  I don’t believe I’ve ever heard him whine in nearly 38 years, he’s definitely not spoiled, and he has the patience of Job.  Everything and every situation is just fine, he doesn’t waste energy thinking negatively.  He is so kind to me and so good for me, too.  I finished a book recently by Bo Caldwell called ‘City of Tranquil Light’.  It is a novel based on the lives of the author’s grandparents who were Mennonite missionaries to China in the 19th century.  Katherine wrote something about Will that is exactly what I feel about John:

“He has a gentle spirit that I admire, probably all the more so because of my own impetuousness and impatience.  At times I see my opposite in him, and being with him is like taking a cool drink of water.  He calms me, and when I am with him I feel hopeful and refreshed.”

When my Heavenly Father asks me to raise children in a difficult world, to serve a mission, or to become more like Him and His Son, He gives me John to help me and steady me when I teeter.  I could not do it alone.  I love him more each day.


  1. What a beautiful post! I knew dad was all those things you said about him at the end, but I did not know that he was a Martha Stewart. Dad, that table looks fantastic! You should cater for a living.

    Thanks Dad for taking care of mom...this last week...and always. You really are an amazing man. And so are you mom (amazing woman not a man). I'm so sorry you were sick this week. It was good to see you again today on Skype in your nylons and a skirt, but I was missing your bed-head hair.

    I loved your tightrope scenario. That really is the way life works when you put God first. Great post! More posts please!

    I love you both.

  2. Sorry to hear you were so sick, but glad you are feeling better. I hope you have a great week.

  3. I was sorry to hear you were under the weather. All that time in bed undoubtedly gave you some time to research our trip to Antarctica. What did you find out?

    Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    John is indeed a choice guy.

  4. Janice just a couple of thoughts! I am so glad you found a cure for the hit, bite, scratch or pinch ya! I also want you to know that you clean up real nice! Glad to know that you are feeling better!
    Take good care!

  5. Aunt Janice,
    I'm so sorry that you've been sick, but glad to hear that the rotten week is behind you now. Thanks for the fantastic blog. It makes me excited to serve again with Joe one day.

  6. You are a breath-taking patient. This post made us all sentimental about John. He really is one of a kind.

    Glad you're feeling better!
    Oh, and Eric says that anything I post - he's included too.

    Much love,
    Emily AND Eric

  7. Wow! Now that is what I miss, the real Janice. That is about the worst I've seen though. I'm sorry you were so sick. I know John took good care of you, he's the care taker like me and you are the Queen like Neil is the King. I really think this mission thing sounds fun, but I want to go with you and John and Neil. We would need your help.
