Monday, February 21, 2011

Shaken But All In One Piece

Jill suggested that I write a short post just to let everyone know that we are alive and okay after this afternoon’s earthquake.  At 1:00 p.m. we were at the institute visiting with people who had dropped in for a chat (today was the first day of University), when the building started shaking much more severely then anything we have experienced in the past.  Many of those with us had experienced the September earthquake and said this one felt worse.  It felt worse because the epicenter was much closer and the quake was very shallow.  The institute building is strong and weathered the shaking well.  Our flat is undamaged as well.  The roads around our home have deep potholes in places and other sections are raised up.  We are without water, but the power just came on after six hours.  Other than that, we see very little damage here.  The city center, and the eastern side of the city closer to the ocean, are badly damaged. 

We taught an early morning seminary class today.  On the way home, John suggested that we stop at the grocery store.  Being a very inspired missionary, I suggested we wait until we had finished our work for the day.  So, now we have very little food and we think the stores will be closed for some time. 

Those are little concerns.  I am only hoping that all of our Young Single Adults and their families are safe.  Many of them, when the university was evacuated, came across the street to the institute building.  There they spent hours trying to reach family members.  Alice finally found that her mother, who was working in a 5 story building downtown, walked away unhurt when the building lay in a heap of rubble.  Patty’s father emailed her and told her to stay where she was—there was no home to come to.  David got a text from his brother saying, “We need you”, and then lost contact.  He never did get his parents.  I’m dreading the news we might receive tomorrow.  We love these kids.

The aftershocks just keep coming.  Some of them are very sizeable.  I’m sure that we won’t get much sleep tonight.  It’s amazing how powerless we really are as humans.  There’s nothing like a natural disaster to drive that point home.  All you can do is cling to the people around you.

We are well and no one needs to worry about us.  Pray for those who are suffering around us. 


  1. Thanks for keeping us posted. We are praying.

  2. Glad to hear you are safe. Thinking of you and praying for you and those you serve.

    Greg and Barbara.

  3. Thanks for the news. I have been worrying about all of you there during the night. The news this morning is more informed about the quake. It was hard to learn anything last night. Thank you for calling Jill, it was so comforting. We love you and are praying for all those you have learned to love.

  4. Keep us posted on how things are going there. We are praying as well, for you and all the people there. We are so glad you're safe!

    Ration your food slowly!

  5. I was thinking of you and am glad to hear you are safe. These are beautiful people you are teaching. Just talked with someone else who has been to Christchurch. Also Ian McKay , the honorary Utah consul to New Zealand lived in our neighborhood and is waiting to hear about his family's safety there. I think our kids (Andrew) went to school with their kid(s). Glad all is well. Get that food storage!!

  6. We are so glad to hear you are safe, and we will pray for those around you who are suffering in the devastation.

  7. We are so very happy to know that both of you are okay! We were both so worried about you all morning! The pictures we have seen have been horrible and we feel so badly for all the families that have had to deal with such loss. We are praying for you, all of your students and the people of the island. Love you bunches! Debbie

  8. Thanks for the update, I knew that you would come through and let us know that you were okay. Blessings, ((((((HUGS)))))))) and Prayers are with you and everyone in that area. Should I send all my old food storage? just joking.
    Keep us informed.

  9. Thanks for the update. We are grateful you are both fine and pray for all those dealing with the devastation. Keep us posted.

  10. Glad you are safe! Keep up the good work. We love you and are praying for you and the families there. Lots of love!!!

  11. It is so good to hear that you are both safe! Thanks for keeping us posted. We will be praying for you.

  12. So worried about you! I'm sure you'll both be powerful leaders in the months to come! We'll keep you in our prayers!

  13. No picture... :) This is Lori....and Robert :)
