Monday, April 4, 2011

In Gratitude for the Holy Ghost

Today began very early for John and I.  We set our alarm for 4:00 a.m. so that we could hear my brother Paul speak in the Sunday session of General Conference.  I had a hard time sleeping, a nervous stomach, you’d have thought I was the one facing that huge congregation.  I thought about tripping and falling down the stairs.  I thought about stuttering and stammering.  I thought about getting emotional and unable to see the words.  I thought about beads of sweat (very vivid on high definition TV) trickling down into eyes that would then be unable to read the teleprompter.   I thought about stage-fright and being unable to speak at all.  Finally, the hour of truth came, and all of my worries were for nothing.  Paul was perfect.  I was so proud of him.  I think I have a little of the “Aunt Renee syndrome”—hero worship.  I know that every word he uttered was inspired and blessed the lives of so many.  We will listen to all the sessions of conference next week.  I know it will be a spiritual feast.  I know these men are inspired in their messages, and the Holy Ghost bears witness and teaches me as I listen.  I was thankful for the powerful spirit I felt early this morning, and I have been grateful for the companionship of the Holy Ghost today and so often on this mission.

We could not listen to the whole session because I had to teach an early morning seminary class at 6:30.  Sister Clendon called late last night, said that she had injured her ankle, and would not be able to teach her class in the morning.  So, with very little time for preparation, I went into a classroom of about 16 students to teach from the Doctrine and Covenants.  I had briefly glanced at the material to be covered, read the scripture block, and prayed that the Spirit would be present.  It never ceases to amaze me in situations like this, how the Holy Ghost can bring things to remembrance.  My 60-year-old brain can barely remember what day it is, but when I am expected to help in the spiritual training of the Lord’s choice youth, the Holy Ghost can help me recall things I studied or read or experienced years ago.  I acknowledge him, love him, and thank him.

Last night, the young adults held a “break the fast” at the institute building.  We were so pleased to see so many of our young adults, but even more excited that they brought investigators with them.  There were three young women and one young man who came to see what the YSA were all about.  Stephanie conducted the evening which began with a song, a prayer, and a spiritual thought.  Everyone brought a ‘plate’ to share and they played games afterward.  I’m grateful for good youth who want to share what they have with others, and I pray that those who visited could feel of the spirit that was there and recognize the goodness of it.


Break-the-fast.  Everyone contributed.  I made ‘funeral potatoes, a special request from Jeremy who had not had any since his mission in the states.


Those who hung around to clean up.  Front Row Sitting: Stephen, Stephanie, Matt, Patty, and Rigel.  Second Row Kneeling: Elder Stauffer, Drew, Karla, and Alyce.  Third Row Standing:  Trevor, Tui, Jordan, and Maverik. 

I have a testimony that the Spirit can give us gifts or abilities that can help us be more than we can be and accomplish more than we could on our own.  Each week, as I try to manage the growing groups of piano students, I wonder how I will manage.  Each week the Spirit helps me discover ways of making the best of a situation.  How does one teach five young women at one time with only one keyboard?  I don’t know, but the Spirit does.


They’re all making progress.

The online seminary class is learning about the gifts of the spirit this week.  I read this quote from Elder Stephen L. Richards given in conference in April of 1950 (old, but still true), speaking of the gift of discerning of spirits:  “The highest type of discernment is that which perceives in others and uncovers for them their better natures, the good inherent within them.  It’s the gift every missionary needs…He must be able to discern the hidden spark that may be lighted for truth.”  

I have begun praying in earnest for the gift of discerning of spirits.  I hope we can help these young adults see the goodness that God has allowed us to see in them.  Last Monday night at FHE, we celebrated Jordan’s 19th birthday.  I love this quiet and shy young man.  I watch him soaking up what is said, too afraid to contribute.  I answer his questions that he asks when everyone else has gone.  Thursday night at institute, I took him aside and asked if he had ever considered going on a mission.  He was rather surprised and shook his head.  I told him I thought he would be a fine missionary.  When I saw him in church on Sunday, he told me that he had been thinking about what I’d asked him, and on Sunday night I noticed him staring at the missionary bulletin board for a long time.  I want Jordan to see what I see, what God sees.  I’m grateful for the glimpse the Holy Ghost gives me into the hearts and souls of these young people.  I love them.

We have not been given the gift of tongues.  When we try and mimic the kiwi accent, everyone laughs hysterically.  The youth have given John and I a challenge—to learn our favorite scriptures in Maori.  It’s a good thing we have 13 months left.  Even a few verses will take us a long time.

Also, the Spirit forgot to tell us of the time change on Sunday.  We were an hour early for our meetings and completely confused at the empty parking lot.  It was a beautiful day, though, and we had a very nice walk around the Cashmere neighborhood. 

We testify of the Holy Ghost and the gifts he gives.  They are evidence that this is the Lord’s work.  We can feel him with us.  He fills this work with vibrancy and energy.  We give thanks to him. 


  1. Thanks for all you are doing there. What an experience!

  2. Janice you could speak in General Conference right along with Paul. I'm so proud of you. I love your words.

  3. You're going to love Elder Bednar's talk on personal revelation and the Spirit. You're experiencing exactly what he talked about. It is a precious gift.

    I would love to hear you guys mimic the Kiwi accent too. That would be funny.

    Great post mom...I have know idea how you're teaching all those kids on one key board but they appear to be loving it.

    Miss you.

  4. I miss my mom and my dad. That's all I want to say this week. I miss you too much.

