Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Memory Card

These weeks go by in a blur and sometimes, when it’s time to write another blog entry, I struggle with remembering what we’ve done the previous week.  When this happens, I just pull the memory card out of my camera, download the pictures onto my computer, and remember the sights, sounds, and feelings of the past seven days.  I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t called a ‘memory card’ for that reason, but it seems so suitable.

Last week, we attended seminary and institute in Ashburton.  This little seminary class of Samoan students is quite remarkable.  One of the fathers picks up each student every morning and delivers him/her to the church for seminary.  The kids come dressed in ‘Sunday best’; shirts and ties for the boys and skirts for the girls.  Their teacher, Mata, is like a tiny drill sergeant.  She takes her calling very seriously and her class responds well to her methods.  Discipline is never a problem.  I recorded them singing a ‘scripture mastery’ song; a fun way to learn D&C 8:2-3.

While driving to Ashburton, we passed this beautiful bush. The color was so vibrant and beautiful, that I made John pull over to take a picture.


The picture does not do it justice.  Here’s a close up of the blossoms.


I have been watching out for them ever since and have found them in many glorious colors.  They are azaleas.  I’ve seen azaleas before, but none like these.  They are in the same family as the rhododendrons which are spectacular here as well.  We took a walk through the botanical gardens at Hagley Park where the azaleas are in full splendor. 




Friday night was the YSA Halloween party.  The institute building was transformed into Hogwarts and we had a Harry Potter night with classes on magic and wizardry.  Because I am not a Harry Potter fan (I know this statement will open me up to all kinds of criticism, but I read the first book and could make it no further), I felt a little out of touch the entire evening.  Those of you who have read the whole series will recognize the following members of the faculty:


Headmaster Staufferdore (John’s costume once again from the versatile ‘handi wipe’ cloths here at the institute.),


Severus Snape (Trevor should be an actor.  He is in his element when he’s in costume.),


and Professor McStauffergall.


Tui in the sorting hat.


David Campbell learned the art of shrink wrapping from Professor McStauffergall.  (Thanks Uncle Scott for this activity that has been a family favorite for years.)

A walk through the campus for more beautiful sites.



A momma Paradise Duck watches over her babies.

Tomorrow, November 1, it will have been a year since we entered the MTC.  What a year it has been; two new grandchildren, 9,000 earthquakes with weeks of boiling water, deaths of well-loved family and friends, hospitalized granddaughter, new friends, homesickness, adjustments, growth, and learning.  When Elder Holland promised senior missionaries “the experience of a lifetime”, he was speaking the absolute truth.  If anyone out there is looking to escape the doldrums, come along.  You will never be bored!


  1. I can't tell which is more captivating...the azaleas or Dad's handi-wipe beard? It's toss up. I'm not a Harry Potter fan either, but the party looks fun.

  2. Professor McStauffergal, for not knowing the books you make a mean McGonagal. I thought you had that boy in detention of some kind when you were merely shrinking him in the amazing shrinking machine. We have used that idea from Scott for a couple of Science Projects at school and it has always been the favorite project in the science show. John could go into business making costumes out of rags. Maybe he just used his wand.

  3. We got to spend a day with your darling Dickeys on our way home from Southern Utah. They are so good to us! They not only put up with us just showing up and staying and staying but they also hosted the Searcys again overnight and the Provo kids coming over for a cookie making party. We loved seeing them. Now you and Headmaster Staufferdore should transport over for a party over the holidays! I will be in line for a shrinking - easier way to loose weight than to have to exercise it off!

  4. Awesome photos, John and Janice! I think you memory card is full of beautiful sights, views, and things. Well, my card is full of pictures of people. My niece has a habit of stealing my camera and take pictures of her sibling. I would have deleted, but the good thing is they are cute. Marko Broz
