Monday, March 19, 2012


It seems that some of the Young Single Adults have been searching their names in this blog to see how often they appear.  Because some are spoken of more frequently than others, I have been accused of having favorites.  Honestly, I don’t know how I would begin to pick a favorite.  They are all so amazing.  I’m dedicating this blog post to a few of the seldom mentioned.

Brodie Ridler


Brodie has played a mammoth part in our lives in New Zealand.  She is extremely thoughtful and caring.  Most of my excess weight can be attributed to the cooking and baking of Brodie and her mother.  She has only been a member of the church for about two years, but she is truly converted and a vital part of the Young Single Adult program.  She is a student at the university and spends most days at the institute building trying to study.  Her efforts to concentrate are hampered by other students and “old” missionaries who just can’t resist visiting with her.  Brodie went to the the states last year.  She spent time with Jill and Mike and even took a tour of my home.  She deliberately walked on my carpets and left footprints that will have to be vacuumed out the minute I get home.  I have learned so much from the Ridlers.  They are all about service.  Their home is always open to anyone needing a place to stay for a night or a semester.  Brodie is a world traveler and I’m so glad.  That means our goodbyes in six weeks will not be forever.  I would not be happy in a future without Brodie.

Trevor Anderson


Trevor insisted on taking his own picture, mine was not dramatic enough for him.  He is into all things theatrical.  He is also the heart and soul of this work with the YSA.  He has spent years texting, inviting and making facebook pages for activities.  He sincerely cares about each and every young single adult and wants desperately for them to participate and feel loved and needed. Many times people have told me that even in their years of inactivity, Trevor never quit inviting and encouraging them to participate.  Their activity is directly attributable to him and his persistence.   Sometimes, when the institute building is brimming with happy people, Trevor and I stand aside and smile.  He is possibly the only person who is more excited than John and I about the growth that has taken place here.  Trevor is very dear to us and I know Heavenly Father is pleased with his efforts.

David Campbell

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David served a mission in Washington State.  He returned to New Zealand with an American accent much to the chagrin of fellow kiwis, but much to our delight.  We understand every word he says.  He has never lost the missionary spirit or the happiness the gospel brings him.  He is studying computers at the university and we love seeing him around the institute building each day.

Carler Toilalo


Carler is a gifted musician.  She has the innate gifts so many of the islanders have, but she also has had training.  She composes her own songs and sings like a dream.  The alto section of the choir is so dependent on her abilities.  She is a love.

These four have been around for awhile.  Here are some of my new favorites:

Isaac McCluskey


Isaac is a first year uni student.  He has a brilliant mind and a divine musical gift.  He creates great discussion in any institute class he attends, can sight read any part, and sings a glorious tenor.  We are so glad he turned 18 and decided to join us.

Stephen Yee

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Stephen is also a first year uni student studying law.  He is our pool shark.  He makes it look so easy.  If I get time, I’m going to have him teach me so that I can come home and beat my nagging nephew Andrew. (Brad, tell him to watch out.)

Jana McQueen


Beautiful Jana started studying at Canterbury University this year.  She is studying fine arts and is absolutely lovely.  She is amazingly mature for her 18 years and we are thrilled to have her.

Matt Harper


Matt is another of the young ones.  He is studying primary education and has slipped into the YSA program with great ease.  He is eager to learn and a delight to work with.

Brittany Overwater 


Brittany was introduced to the church while visiting a Mormon family in Mesquite, Nevada.  She was baptized just six months ago, but acts like she has been a member all her life.  She would have been a missionary’s dream; she truly has believing blood.  The minute I saw her I knew that she was going to bring something special to this program.  She is already much loved by everyone.

Matt Hill


Matt Hill joined us after serving a mission in Australia.  He quietly comes, listens, and every once in awhile makes a profound comment.  I’m glad he came back before we had to leave.

Mele Tuipulotu

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Mele has been living in Australia and moved back to Christchurch at the beginning of the school year.  In a room full of chattering YSA, Mele can focus on her studies.  I think she’ll do very well.  She’s beautiful inside and out.

Nora Tu’u’u

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Nora was born in New Zealand but has been living in the United States.  She graduated from Taylorsville High School in 2009.  She came to Christchurch a few weeks ago and fills this place with laughter. 

I’m sure I’ll get some comments about this post from other YSA.  If they’re here when I have a camera, I’ll write about them.  I really do love each and every one of them, the ones I’ve written about and those I have missed. 


  1. This is the kind of post that makes me sad that you're coming home so soon. We will all be so happy to see you, but look what you'll be leaving behind. What great kids to have as friends for life.

  2. More than the landscape, more than the important work, it's the people you love the most. Wouldn't it be fun to. See a blog entry like t his fr om the Apostle Paul, with pics of those he loved, taught and s erved?
