Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Catching Up

Our flat is being renovated to take care of earthquake damage.  The landlords moved us into temporary housing.


This house is even closer to the institute at 59 Kirkwood Ave.  It is a darling little house from the outside, has a nice big lounge and dining area and three bedrooms, and a bathroom and kitchen that are practically non-functional.  It’s surprising that our old flat could feel so much like home after nine months.  We’re hoping this process only takes two weeks.

Transfers are coming up in two days.  Elder Segi is leaving.  He has been in Christchurch for a very long time and we are all going to miss him.  He is an exceptional young man.  The Riccarton District met at the institute building today and we got a chance to say good-bye.


Front row (left to right):  Elder DeGraw (from Las Vegas), Elder Fredrickson (Price, Utah), Elder Tebau (Kiribati).  Back row:  Elder Hill (Mississippi), Elder Poll (South Weber), Elder Segi (Samoa), Sister Yu (China), Sister Stauffer, Sister Wu (Thailand), and Elder Stauffer.

I am so impressed by this group of missionaries.  They are fun but hard-working, spiritual, and obedient.  Many people have found the gospel because of their efforts.

The biggest and best news of the day—Catherine Stauffer was born today!  She is absolutely beautiful with “the best head of hair ever”, according to her aunt Jill.  She weighs 9 pounds 3 ounces, is 21 1/2 inches long, and I would soooooo love to hold her.  For right now, though, pictures will have to do.




  1. I'm thinking the baby is going to look a lot like you mom. She's so cute! Wish you were here.

  2. Congratulations on this wonderful event.

  3. She is darling. Congratulations Grandma! I bet Andrew is the sweetest most loving dad.
