Sunday, August 28, 2011

Look What We Found…

Monavale 016

And these…


And that means:

    • spring is just around the corner,
    • I can shed 4 of my 7 layers of clothing,
    • we can be comfortable when not in bed with our electric blanket on,
    • John can go back to short sleeved white shirts,
    • I can quit whinging (see previous vocabulary test),
    • and, we can take walks in the beautiful parks of Christchurch like Mona Vale.

Monavale 002


Monavale 018


Monavale 036

This beautiful creature scratched under his wing and then gave John a closer look.

Monavale 037


Some of the homes bordering the park and its river…



This little poem reminded me of New Zealand in spring:

Green slipped out from under the white--

Splashed in early colors,

And gave up lambs, who

Bleated tirelessly on the subject.

Lambing has begun.  The paddocks are full of the new little ones.  Spring is beautiful in New Zealand. The sunshine energizes and renews.  


  1. Man...and pretty soon I'll be posting pictures of my kids playing in the snow. This opposite season things is so weird.

    Nice pictures!

  2. I loved your post and feel glad we get be young at heart forever! It is true that sometimes we forget that our bodies are not as young as our mind and heart and pay for it later! My friend jumped on a pogo stick with her grandson and hasn't been able to walk for a week! We love hearing about your life in New Zealand! Mostly we love you!
